Greek Permanent Residence Permit
( "Greece Permanent Residence Permit" and "Schengen Visa" to non-EU Nationals with the purchase of Property with minimum value 250,000Euros)
The Greece permanent residence permit program enables an entire non-EU family, including dependent children up to age 24 and the parents of both spouses, to obtain permanent residency status in...
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Cyprus Permanent Residence Permit | Gate
Cyprus Permanent Residence Permit | Gate
Cyprus Permanent Residence Permit Programme is a fast track programme to obtain Residence Permit in Cyprus. This law aims to support and strengthen the economic condition of Cyprus yet to boost the real estate industry. The minimum investment requirement has been set at 300.000 Euros (VAT/ taxes are Not included). An...
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Immigration Options Article
Residence Permits GREECE
(published by Invest in Greece)
The Immigration and Social Integration Code (Law 4251/2014, Government Gazette 1, no 80) contains provisions that facilitate the stay of third-country investors, whose investments are characterized as strategic investments, via the provision of extended stay time limits for the representatives of investment bodies and their par...
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